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Average and Age Questions and Answers updated daily – knowledgecompetitions

Average and Age Questions
1. Three years ago, Poorvi was thrice as old as his sister Reena. After three years Poorvi will be twice as old as Reena. What is the present age of Reena?
 5 7 9 11 None of these


2. The respective ratio between the present age of Monika and Deepak is 5:x. Monika is 9 years younger than Prem. Prem"™s age after 9 years will be 33 years. The difference between Deepak"™s and Monika"™s age is same as the present age of Prem. What is the value of x?
 11 13 14 15 None of these


3. James"™ father was 30 years old when he was born. His mother"™s age was 24 when his sister who is 5 years younger to him, was born. What is the difference between the age of James"™ father and mother?
 17 15 13 11 None of these


4. The average weight of 20 people is increased by 2.2 kg when one man weight 53 kg is replaced by another man. Find the weight of new man?
 87 Kg 93 Kg 95 Kg 97 Kg None of these


5. An exam was conducted in a state over 222 centres. The average number of applicants per centre was found to be 1560. However, it was later realized that in one centre, the number of applicants was counted as 1857 instead of 1747. What was the correct average number of applicants per centre (upto two decimals)?
 1359.51 1559.53 1559 1559.51 None of these


6. The average of eight numbers is 25, out of which average of first two numbers is (39/2) and the average of the next three numbers is(70/3) . The sixth number is less than the seventh and the eighth by 5 and 8 respectively. Find the seventh number.    
 31 33 35 37 41


7. The average salary of a company increases by 100 when the salary of the manager, which is Rs. 9500, is included. If the number of employees excluding the manager is the smallest cube divisible by 16, what is the final average of the company?
 Rs. 3400 Rs. 3300 Rs. 3200 Rs. 3100 None of these


8. The Average marks obtained by 45 students in an examination is 12. If the average marks of passed students are 14 and that of failed students are 5, then find the number of students who passed the examination?
 35 36 37 39 None of these


9. Average weight of three friends Amar, Visera and Daman is 70 kg. Another person Vishal joins the group and now the average is 66 kg. If another person Tahir whose weight is 6 kg more than Vishal, joins the group replacing Amar, then average weight of Visera, Daman, Vishal and Tahir becomes 75 kg. What is the weight of Amar (in kg)?
 22 28 26 24 None of these


10. The sum of 8 consecutive odd numbers is 256. Also average of four consecutive even numbers is 100. What is the sum of the smallest odd number and second largest even number?
 212 214 53 51 None of these


11. 3 years ago, the ratio of age of A and B is (5: 4). C is 8 years younger than A. The present age of C is 4 times of D"™s present age. Find the present age of B, if the age of D, after 7 years is 12 years?
 27 years 22 years 23 years 25 years 24years


12. 6 years ago, the ratio of the ages of Arun and Prathap is 7: 6. Present age of Rajeev is 10 years more than one – sixth of Prathap’s present age. Find the ratio of present age of Prathap and Rajeev, if Arun’s age after 6 years is 40 years?    
 3 : 2 2: 1 4: 5 1: 3 None of these


13. The ratio of the ages of Tina and Rakesh is (9:10) respectively. Ten years ago the ratio of their ages was (4:5) respectively. What is the present age of Rakesh?
 25yr 20yr 30yr 24yr None of these


14. The ratio between Rakesh and Kalai is (17: x). Kalai is 2 years elder than Manoj. Manoj"™s age after 4 years will be 20 years. The difference between Rakesh and Kalai is equal to Manoj"™s age. Find the value of x?
 7 8 6 9 5


15. The age of the father is 34 years more than the son"™s age. Ten years hence, the father"™s age will become three times the son"™s age that time. What is the son"™s present age in years?
 Eight Seven Five Cannot be determined None of these


16. There are four friends A, B, C and D. Five years ago the ages of A and B was in the ratio of 5: 8 respectively. 10 years hence, the ages of C and D will be in the ratio 9: 10 respectively. Present age of A is 25% less than the present age of D. Find the difference between the ages of B and C if the average present age of A, B, C and D is 37 years 6 months.
 5 yrs 8 yrs 10 yrs 12 yrs None of these


17. The sum of the ages of A, B, and C is 54 years. The ratio of the ages of A and C is 1:2. B"™s father age is twice the age of B. Sum of the ages of A and C is equal to B"™s father age. Calculate the age of B.
 16 yrs 18 yrs 20 yrs 22 yrs None of these


18. The ratio of the ages of veer and Vikram 15 years ago was 2 :1 and their ages difference 5 years ago was 10 years, then find out the ratio of ages of Veer and Vikram 15 years hence?
 (3 : 4) (2 : 5) (5 : 4) (5 : 7) None of these


19. Rithika's present age is four times her son's present age and two fifth of her father's present age. The average present age of all of them is 40 years. Find the sum of Rithika's son's present age and Rithika's father's present age?
 92 years 74 years 88 years 86 years None of these


20. The mean temperature from the 9th to the 16th of January, both days inclusive, was 11.6 degree Celsius and from the 10th to 17th January was 12.2 degree Celsius. The temperature on the 9th January was 10.8 degree Celsius. What was the temperature on the 17th January?
 15.6 degree Celsius 9.6 degree Celsius 11.6 degree Celsius 13.6 degree Celsius None of these


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